Tag Archives: Poppy

Silly Season – Poppies and Winterval

24 Oct

Ah great,

It’s that wonderful time of the year.  The time where bullshit masquerades as truth.  When the nights draw in and the clocks go back, I brace myself for the cretinocracy tsunami which appears on the Facebook horizon.  It seems to get earlier every year as well.  The two issues that cause it all are Remembrance Day and Christmas.

To me, Remembrance Day is about, well, remembrance.  It’s not about an act of supposed defiance against a supposed threat to our liberty.  I find it quite sad that people try to reappropriate a symbol of respect into a symbol of aggression, it goes against everything that those we remember died for.  I really hate the whole “If my poppy offends you then you know where the border is” mentality that exists.

No, your poppy doesn’t offend me, you and your sensibilities, or lack of, offends me.  93% of people won’t reblog this etc etc…  Piss off with yourself.  The best way to honour war veterans is to stop making new ones, not hating all muslims because 20 pricks burn a poppy every year.

Then, once that has passed and people stop pretending to care, the famous, and debunked Winterval Myth still gets dragged out by dragging knuckled lunkheads. Christ, EVEN THE DAILY MAIL SAID IT WAS A MYTH.  But that isn’t enough proof for some people as it means they might have to think for once.  But then again, if someone on Facebook said it was true, I’d better repost it or like the status as I don’t want to be one of the 7% who don’t have the balls to.  Also, if you give so much of a shit about this being a Christian country, why not go to church once in a while when it isn’t a Christening, a Funeral or a Wedding?

May your Remembrance Day be solemn, may your Christmas be filled with joy.  Nobody is trying to take them from you.